Reviving the Kiss: EventPermits and Gillette Ask NY Couples to “Kiss and Tell”


January 25, 2013

Is the kiss on decline? A recent survey shows that if it is, it may be due to discomfort and even facial rashes experienced while kissing partners that sport the scruffy look. EventPermits helped Gillette find out on January 16 in Times Square, New York with the kickoff of their Kiss & Tell promotional event tour by securing all of the necessary permits including the generator permit needed to power the kissing booth and tent, security provided by D. Sterling, as well as a site license from Champion Parking that allowed the event team to interact with the engaged Kiss and Tell participants. The event was hosted by actress and musician Nikki Reed and asked real-life couples to participate in an experiment by kissing on the spot both before and after the guys got a fresh shave.

The Kiss & Tell event comes on the heels of research suggesting that although facial hair may be a popular trend that many find attractive, rocking the out-of-bed, stubbled look could actually be a huge turn-off. A survey conducted by Braun Research Incorporated showed that over half of women experience uncomfortable scraping and irritation after kissing a guy with stubble, and that a third of women will avoid kissing a guy altogether if he has facial hair.

So what’s the verdict? Gillette will announce the results of its experiment on Valentine’s Day of this year.

Venue: Champion Parking – Times Square NYC

Permits by: PRomotion! / EventPermits – Sidewalk Permit, Site License, Generator Permit

Event Security by: D Sterling

Event Logistics by: Pierce Promotions